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CDJapparel LLC is a apparel consultant company founded by three engineers, Clyde Niba, Durum Alarms, and Jamani Spencer who shared a common vision to build innovative brands. While adding Marcus Middleton who is also an engineer to the team, the vision grew from creating our personal brands to helping others achieve the same goal; whether its marketing, manufacturing apparels, creating designs, working with stylist and photographers or just simply getting your business corporated, WE ARE HERE TO HELP!


 Clyde Niba (Co-Owner|Founder|CEO/CFO)

 - Inspired SixTnine|Handsome Club


"CDJApparel is brought to you by multiple engineers with Style.  The sole purpose is to re-innovate the edge and mindset of the fashion industry while we help you take a step forward with your own style.  We are all about thinking outside the box, and creating visionary brands that are exciting, intriguing, and bold!"


As a Student athlete majoring in Chemical Engineering, playing professional basketball has enabled worldwide travel. The ability to   experience different cultures around the world through these travels has inspired some of the concepts behind CDJ Apparel. As a future Chemical Engineer, I'd like to solve some of our worlds issues within oil & gas; As for fashion, I want to establish a trend in the industry were everyone feels comfortable and courageous in what they wear!


Durum Alarms (Co-Owner|Founder|CMO/VP)


"I want to first start off by thanking you and welcoming you to; more than just a brand, more than just an apparel company, we're a movement and a way of life.  CDJ is going to excel at pushing culture forward, change the perceptions of fashion moguls.  Trends are seasonal, brands establish legacy."


A future Mechanical Engineer, of West African descent, with two National Championships in College Football.  Apart from excelling on the gridiron, I also possess a strong passion for creativity and self-expression. I liken myself to a chameleon, for my multifaceted ability to assume any role in any position. Fashion and the freedom it gives me is bar none to any other creative venture I have ever been involved in, and we at CDJ Apparel have a goal to re-engineer the fashion industry. 


Apply pressure, never relent.  #NoMalice

Marcus Middleton- Co-Owner|Executive of Operations/Sales 


-When I think of CDJApparel I think of a brand emulated purely by and for its people. Powerfully motivated individuals from all backgrounds coming together to support and represent not only a brand but a movement. This brand represents united people, young ambition, and endless triumph for success.

I am Solutions Engineer with a background in Entrepreneurship at a top worldwide software/technology company.  My collegiate years taught me the importance of hard work and determination through basketball, football, and obtaining an engineering degree at a top institution. Through travel and my professional experience, I have been blessed with opportunities that have led me to attain a unique collection of skill sets that allow me to be successful in any given environment, which will be impactful within my passion for fashion.

© 2017 Built by CDJapparel. 

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